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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the idea?
Adboard has been developed in partnership with MyFreeWebsite™. The idea of Adboard is to raise funds for MyFreeWebsite™ by selling 10,000 advertising squares at £50 each.

2. What is MyFreeWebsite™?
MyFreeWebsite™ is a UK non-profit organisation that aims to get British business online for free! They build websites for UK businesses at no cost and require funding to continue their cause. Visit their website at MyFreeWebsite™ for more information.

3. What is an Ad Board?
An Advertising board, or Adboard, is usually a term reserved for the advertising hoardings seen at football matches and large social events - although there are other more general terms such as billboards and posters.

4. How does it work?
Businesses, groups and individuals are encouraged to buy ‘squares’, which are 100 pixels each measuring at 10x10 pixels. There are 10,000 squares on the Adboard grid, each priced at £50 to support our cause. You are free to purchase as many squares as you like, as long as there are enough squares available on the grid. The more squares you buy, the bigger your image will be.

5. Why should I buy your squares?
The benefits are numerous! As well as helping fellow British businesses get online, Adboard can offer excellent promotion for your own website. When you buy your squares we display an image of your choice in the space you have purchased, which will have a back-link leading straight to your chosen website.

What’s more, the squares you buy will be displayed on the Adboard permanently. The domain name has been registered till 2030 so we guarantee to keep it online for at least 10 years, but hopefully much longer. Your image and weblink could potentially be seen by hundreds of thousands of people over the next decade.

We will also include an itemised list of everyone who has donated to the campaign along with the date and value of their contribution.

6. What will you do with the money?
The money will be used to fund which is a Social Enterprise that builds business websites for free. 50% of everything they raise goes back into business and the economy.

7. Why can't I buy one single pixel?
The reason for selling them in squares is because anything less would be too small to display properly, hence the minimum purchase is £50 for a 10x10 tile. However! If you really want to own a single pixel, there is always the option of clubbing together with your friends/family/colleagues and buying a 10x10 block.

8. How long will the site be online?
The site will be online for 10 years guaranteed, at least until 2030, however the aim is to keep the site online forever - or as long as possible.

9. Are there any rules?
Anyone can advertise although no obscene or offensive images are allowed. We are not responsible for the content of external sites and any images featured on our site are copyright of their respective owners. Please see our Terms and Conditions page for more rules.